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-smonitor: analyse scalar time dependent signals

 # Flags: nomenu, noprompt, nomessage,                                        #
 # section: -smonitor                                                         #
 # symbol  = - none -                                                         #
 # timedata   = yes                           -- ( yes | no )                 #
 # upto       = auto                    -- [s]   ( auto | REAL )              #
 # freqdata   = yes                           -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   wantdf   = auto                          -- ( auto | REAL )              #
 #   windowed = yes                           -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #     edgeofwindow = 0.69999          -- at what frac. start to apply window #
 #   flow     = auto                    -- [1/s] ( auto | REAL )              #
 #   fhigh    = auto                    -- [1/s] ( auto | REAL )              #
 # plotopts = -geometry 690x560+10+10                                         #
 # showtext     = yes         -- (yes | no)                                   #
 # onlyplotfiles= no          -- (yes | no)                                   #
 # doit, ?, return, end, help, ls                                             #