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-wakes: longitudinal and transverse wakepotentials

This section enables the computation of longitudinal and transverse wake potentials from data that were computed by gd1. These data are only recorded by gd1 when you did specify a charge in the section -lcharge of gd1.

gd1 computes the integral of the $E_z$ component along the outermost paths where a beam can travel and stores the result in the database. Since from these data the longitudinal and transverse wakepotentials everywhere in the beam pipe can be computed, you can specify an unlimited number of positions (x,y) where you are interested in the wakepotentials. The (x,y) position of the exciting charge cannot be changed afterwards, though.

 # Flags: nomenu, noprompt, nomessage,                                        #
 # section -wakes                                                             #
 # set =     0      -- What dataset (windowwake only)                         #
 # watq      = yes  -- Process all wakes at positions of Zeile-charges        #
 # awtatq    = yes  -- Use the average of the two nearest transverse wakes    #
 #                  -- as the transverse wakes at the positions of charges    #
 # impedances= no   -- Compute impedances.                                    #
 #    window = yes  -- Apply hann-window when computing impedances.           #
 #     fhigh =  undefined               -- fhigh of impedances.               #
 # uselu     = yes  -- Use Sparse LU-Factorisation.                           #
 # uselowpass= no   -- Use lowpass filtering.                                 #
 # usehighpass= no  -- Use highpass filtering.                                #
 # showchargemax= no     -- Show value of charge maximum.                     #
 # centerbunch= yes      -- Shift data. Bunch center will be at s=0.          #
 # xyref     = ( 0.0, 0.0)                      -- refpoint for ??atxy-data   #
 # usexyref  = no                               -- use refpoint?              #
 # clear            -- clears all the "w*at*" values.                         #
 # watxy = ( undefined, undefined)                  -- want wz(xi,yi,s), i= 1 #
 # wxatxy= ( undefined, undefined)                  -- want wx(xi,yi,s), i= 1 #
 # wyatxy= ( undefined, undefined)                  -- want wy(xi,yi,s), i= 1 #
 # watsi = undefined                  -- want w(x,y,si), i= 1                 #
 # watxi = undefined                  -- want w(xi,y,s), i= 1                 #
 #   liny= 20                         -- number of Zeiles in y-direction.     #
 # watyi = undefined                  -- want w(x,yi,s), i= 1                 #
 #   linx= 20                         -- number of Zeiles in x-direction.     #
 # wxatxi= undefined                  -- want wx(xi,y,s), i= 1                #
 # wxatyi= undefined                  -- want wx(x,yi,s), i= 1                #
 # wyatxi= undefined                  -- want wy(xi,y,s), i= 1                #
 # wyatyi= undefined                  -- want wy(x,yi,s), i= 1                #
 # istrides= 3                        -- distance of s-points of the plots    #
 #                                    -- in units of "ds".                    #
 # slow =        0.0                  -- lowest s-value to consider           #
 # shigh=  undefined                  -- highest s-value to consider          #
 # watsfiles = -none-
 #   xlowwats =       -1.0e+30                                                #
 #   xhighwats=        1.0e+30                                                #
 #   ylowwats =       -1.0e+30                                                #
 #   yhighwats=        1.0e+30                                                #
 # frequency=  undefined ( @ufrequency :  undefined )                         #
 #   ( @zxesrf:  undefined )                                                  #
 #   ( @zxesrf:  undefined )                                                  #
 #   ( @zxesrf:  undefined )                                                  #
 #  ( @xloss :  undefined ) [VAs]                                             #
 #  ( @yloss :  undefined ) [VAs]                                             #
 #  ( @zloss :  undefined ) [VAs]                                             #
 #  ( @charge:  undefined ) [As]                                              #
 # plotopts = -geometry 690x560+10+10                                         #
 # showtext     = yes         -- (yes | no)                                   #
 # onlyplotfiles= no          -- (yes | no)                                   #
 # return, help, end, clear, doit                                             #

Note: The longitudinal and transverse lossfactors are printed in the plots. They are also available as the symbols @zloss, @xloss, @yloss after a wake-potential computation.
Example In order to have plotted the longitudinal wakepotential at the planes x=1e-3 and x=2e-3:
    watxi= 1e-3
    watxi= 2e-3

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