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-gbor: A general body of revolution in general direction

A gbor is a body of revolution with a cross section described as a general polygon. This cross section is swept along an axis in a general direction, additionally, only cells that fulfill some additional condition will be filled.
 # Flags: nomenu, noprompt, nomessage,                                        #
 # section -gbor                                                              #
 # material       =  1                                                        #
 # whichcells     = all, taboo= none                                          #
 #     show       = off                 -- (off | all | later | now)          #
 #     name       = gbor-000000000                                            #
 # inside         = yes                 -- (yes|no)                           #
 # originprime    = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )                                         #
 # zprimedirection= ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 )                                         #
 # rprimedirection= ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 )                                         #
 # range          = ( 0.0, 360.0 )                                            #
 # xscaleprime    = 1.0                 -- elliptic coords.                   #
 # yscaleprime    = 1.0                 -- elliptic coords.                   #
 ## syntax:                                                                   #
 #  point= (Zi, Ri)                                                           #
 #  arc, radius= RADIUS, type= [clockwise | counterclockwise]                 #
 #       size= [small | large ]                                               #
 #       deltaphi= 5                                                          #
 #  ellipse, center= (Z0, R0), size= [small | large ]                         #
 #       deltaphi= 5                                                          #
 # doit, return, help, list, reset, clear                                     #

Example The following describes something like a tuning-plunger.
 # /usr/local/gd1/examples-from-the-manual/plunger0.gdf

 define(PlungerInnerRadius, 100e-3/2 )
 define(PlungerCurvature, 16e-3 )
 define(PlungerAngle, -67.5*@pi/180 )

    outfile= /tmp/UserName/example
    scratch= /tmp/UserName/scratch-

    text()= A Plunger, modelled as a body of revolution.
    text()= Curvature     : PlungerCurvature
    text()= Radius        : PlungerInnerRadius
    text()= Angle of Axis : eval(PlungerAngle * 180 / @pi) Degrees

    spacing= 0.2e-2
    pxlow= -5e-2, pxhigh= 12e-2
    pylow= -18e-2, pyhigh= 3e-2
    pzlow= -6e-2, pzhigh= 6e-2

     material= 4
     originprime= ( 0, 0, 0 )
     zprimedirection= ( -cos(PlungerAngle), -sin(PlungerAngle), 0 )
     rprimedirection= ( 0, 0, 1 )
     range= ( 0, 360 )

        # point= ( z, r )
     point= ( 0, 0 )
     point= ( 0, PlungerInnerRadius-PlungerCurvature )
        arc, radius= PlungerCurvature, size= small, type= counterclockwise
     point= ( -PlungerCurvature, PlungerInnerRadius )
     point= ( -170e-3, PlungerInnerRadius )
     point= ( -170e-3, 0 )

     scale= 3
Figure 1.9: A simple gbor.

Example The following discretises the connection of two circular waveguides, meeting each other at an angle of 90 degrees.
 # /usr/local/gd1/examples-from-the-manual/gbor-example1.gdf
define(LargeNumber, 10000)       # some big number

define(MAXCELLS, 1e+5)

define(XLOW, 0) define(XHIGH, 5e-2)
define(YLOW, 0) define(YHIGH, 6e-2)
define(ZLOW, -1.1e-2) define(ZHIGH, 0)


    volume= ( XLOW, XHIGH, \
              YLOW, YHIGH, \
              ZLOW, ZHIGH )

    spacing= STPSZE

    outfile= /tmp/UserName/example
    scratch= /tmp/UserName/scratch
 define(R, 1.0e-2)
    text()= Intersection of two circular cylinders with radius R
    text()= generated as general cylinders
    text()= where 'taboo' is specified
    text()= stpsze= STPSZE, maxcells= MAXCELLS

# Fill everything with metal
    material= 1
    volume= ( -LargeNumber, LargeNumber, \
              -LargeNumber, LargeNumber, \
              -LargeNumber, LargeNumber )

# First step,
# fill cells above the diagonal with material 3
# these cells will not be filled by the first circular cylinder,
# since we will specify 'taboo= 3'
    material= 3,
    origin= ( 0, 0, 0 ), xprime= ( 1, 0, 0 ), yprime= ( 0, 1, 0 ),
    range= ( ZLOW, ZHIGH ),

    point= ( XLOW, YLOW ), point= ( XLOW, YHIGH ),
    point= ( XLOW+(YHIGH-YLOW), YLOW )


# Second step:
# fill a circular cylinder in x-direction,
# but NOT cells with material index 3 (taboo=3)
    material= 0, taboo= 3,
    xprime= ( 0, 1, 0 ), yprime= ( 0, 0, 1 ),  # so the axis will be in +x
    origin= ( 0, 4e-2, 0 ),                    # shift of origin
    range= ( XLOW, XHIGH ),

       point= ( -R, 0 ),
         arc, radius= R, type= counterclockwise,
       point= ( 0, -R ),
         arc, radius= R,
       point= ( R, 0 ),

# Third step:
# fill a circular cylinder in y-direction,
# but ONLY cells with material index 3 (whichcells=3),
    material= 0, whichcells= 3, taboo= none
    xprime= ( 1, 0, 0 ), yprime= ( 0, 0, -1 ),  # so the axis will be in +y
    origin= ( 2.e-2, 0, 0 ),                    # shift of origin
    range= ( YLOW, YHIGH ),

       point= ( -R, 0 ),
          arc, radius= R, type= clockwise,
       point= ( 0, R ),
          arc, radius= R,
       point= ( R, 0 ),

    eyeposition= ( 1, 2, 1 )
    scale= 3.5
Figure 1.10: The intersection of two circular cylinders, where whichcells and taboo were specified.

Example The following describes a reentrant cavity.
 # /usr/local/gd1/examples-from-the-manual/gbor-example.gdf
 define(MaxCells, 2e+6)

 # define the geometry parameters
 define(RBeamTube, 4.7625e-2)
 define(RCurve,  1.0e-2)
 define(ZGapNose, 10.9e-2)
 define(RLarge, 25.0e-2)  define(RSmall, 15.0e-2)  define(RCenter, 10.0e-2)

 define(INF, 10000) define(EL, 1) define(MAG, 2)

 define(XLOW, -0.250) define(XHIGH, 0.250)
 define(YLOW, -0.250) define(YHIGH, 0.250)
 define(ZLOW, -0.200) define(ZHIGH, 0.200)

 define(STPSZE, ((XHIGH-XLOW)*(YHIGH-YLOW)*(ZHIGH-ZLOW)/MaxCells)**(1/3) )

 # gdfidl can evaluate sin(), cos(), atan() and X**Y
 # definition of functions degsin() and degcos()
 sdefine(degsin, [sin((@arg1)*@pi/180)])
 sdefine(degcos, [cos((@arg1)*@pi/180)])
 sdefine(degtan, [sin((@arg1)*@pi/180)/cos((@arg1)*@pi/180)])

   outfile= /tmp/UserName/example
   scratch= /tmp/UserName/scratch-

   text(3)= A quarter of a reentrant cavity
   text()= The cavity is described as a body of revolution,
   text()= maxcells= MaxCells, stpsze= STPSZE

   pxlow= 0*XLOW, pxhigh= 1*XHIGH
   pylow= 0*YLOW, pyhigh= 1*YHIGH
   pzlow= 1*ZLOW, pzhigh= 1*ZHIGH

   cxlow= mag, cxhigh= mag
   cylow= mag, cyhigh= mag
   czlow= ele, czhigh= ele

   spacing= 1*STPSZE

   material= 3, type= electric

    # we fill the universe with metal
    material= 3
       volume= ( -INF,INF, -INF,INF, -INF,INF )

 # carve out the cavity itself
     material= 0, range= ( 0, 360 )
     origin= ( 0, 0, 0 )
     show= later,      # don't show now, but show later

     clear   # clear a possible previous polygon list

        point= (     0          , 0 ),
        point= ( ZHIGH+2*STPSZE , 0 ),
        point= ( ZHIGH+2*STPSZE , RBeamTube ),
        point= ( ZGapNose+RCurve, RBeamTube ),
           arc, radius= RCurve, size= small, type= clockwise,
           deltaphi= 10
define(rdum, RBeamTube+(1+degcos(30))*RCurve)
define(zdum, ZGapNose +(1-degsin(30))*RCurve)
        point= ( zdum, rdum )
define(deltaz, RSmall-zdum)
define(deltar, deltaz*degtan(30))
 define(ffac, 0.85)   ## adjust this for a smooth transition
define(zdum2, zdum+ffac*deltaz)
define(rdum2, rdum+ffac*deltar)
        point= ( zdum2, rdum2 )
          arc, radius= RCurve, size= small, type= counterclockwise,
          deltaphi 10
        point= ( RSmall, RCenter-0.8*RCurve ),
        point= ( RSmall, RCenter ),
           arc, radius= RSmall, size= small, type= counterclockwise,
           delta= 3
        point= ( -RSmall, RCenter ),
        point= ( -RSmall, RCenter-0.8*RCurve ),
           arc, radius= RCurve, size= small, type= counterclockwise,
           deltaphi= 10
        point= ( -zdum2, rdum2 )
        point= ( -zdum, rdum )
           arc, radius= RCurve, size= small, type= clockwise, delta 10
        point= ( -(ZGapNose+RCurve), RBeamTube ),

        point= ( ZLOW-2*STPSZE, RBeamTube ),
        point= ( ZLOW-2*STPSZE, 0 )
# enforce some meshplanes:
   zfixed( 2, -(ZGapNose+RCurve), -ZGapNose ) # at the noses
   zfixed( 2,  (ZGapNose+RCurve),  ZGapNose ) # at the noses

   zfixed( 2, -RSmall, RSmall)                # at the z-borders of the cavity

   scale= 3
Figure 1.11: A complicated gbor

Example The following describes two bodies of revolution that look similiar to glasses. The shape is only specified once, but two different glasses are generated by varying 'zprime' and 'rprime'

 # /usr/local/gd1/examples-from-the-manual/gbor-glasses.gdf


define(XLOW,-5e-2) define(XHIGH,18e-2)
define(YLOW,-0e-2) define(YHIGH,17e-2)
define(ZLOW,-3e-2) define(ZHIGH,18e-2)


    outfile= /tmp/UserName/glasses
    scratch= /tmp/UserName/glasses-scratch-

    spacing= STPSZE
    volume= ( XLOW, XHIGH, \
              YLOW, YHIGH, \
              ZLOW, ZHIGH )

# Fill the universe with vacuum
     material= 0
        volume= ( -LargeNumber, LargeNumber, \
                  -LargeNumber, LargeNumber, \
                  -LargeNumber, LargeNumber )

 # The glasses:

     # Definition of the cross-section:
     point= (  0.7e-2,      0 ),
     point= (       0, 4.0e-2 ),
       arc, radius=0.25e-2, size= large, type= clockwise
     point= (  0.3e-2, 4.0e-2 ),
     point= (  1.0e-2, 1.0e-2 ),
     point= (  8.0e-2, 0.8e-2 ),
     point= ( 10.0e-2, 1.4e-2 ),
     point= ( 15.0e-2, 6.0e-2 ),
       arc, radius= 0.4e-2, type= clockwise
     point= ( 15.2e-2, 5.4e-2 ),
     point= ( 10.0e-2,      0 )

     # That cross-section is used twice,
     # with different parameters for origin, zprime etc..

     material= 1,
     origin= ( -2e-2, 0, 4e-2 ),
     zprimedir= ( 1, 0, 0 ),
     rprimedir= ( 0, 1, 0 ),
     range= ( -90, 90 ),
     show= now
     doit                 # this 'doit' generates the first 'glass'

     material= 3
     origin= ( 0, 12e-2, 4e-2 ),
     zprimedir= ( 1, -0.5, 0.7 ),
     rprimedir= ( 0, 1, 0 ),
     range= ( 0, 360 ),
     show= all
     doit                 # this 'doit' generates the second 'glass'

     eyeposition= ( 0.7, 1, 0.5 )
     scale= 4
Figure 1.12: Two complicated gbors (glasses).

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