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-volumeplot: shows the generated mesh

This section enables the regeneration of the grid and shows the discretised material boundaries as generated from the geometric primitives specified so far.

 # Flags: nomenu, noprompt, nomessage,                                        #
 # section: -volumeplot                                                       #
 # onlyplotfile  = no         -- don't display plot                           #
 # showpartition = no         -- show MPP-partioning                          #
 # showlines = no                                                             #
 # text     = yes                                                             #
 # scale    = 1.80                                                            #
 # plotopts = -geometry 690x560+10+10                                         #
 # eyeposition  = ( -1.0, -2.30, 0.50 )                                       #
 # bbxlow =    -1.0000e+30, bbylow =    -1.0000e+30, bbzlow =    -1.0000e+30  #
 # bbxhigh=     1.0000e+30, bbyhigh=     1.0000e+30, bbzhigh=     1.0000e+30  #
 # rotx   =     0.0000    , roty   =     0.0000    , rotz   =     0.0000      #
 #                                                                            #
 # doit, ?, return, help                                                      #

Example The following shows the material distribution of a waveguide twist again, this time, the parameter bbyhigh is specified such, that only the material boundaries behind the plane y=0 are shown.
    eyeposition= ( 1, 2, 1.3 )
    scale= 4.5
 bbyhigh= 0
Figure 1.16: A twisted waveguide. Only the material boundaries behind the plane y=0 are shown.

Example The following shows the material distribution of a waveguide twist again, this time, the parameter roty is specified nonzero.

    eyeposition= ( 1, 2, 1.3 )
    scale= 4.5
 roty= 20
Figure 1.17: A twisted waveguide. The plot is rotated slightly around the y-axis.

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